Flexible working at Prospectus
By Emma Bradman, Managing Director - Talent
How does your job fit into your life? For so many of us, the last couple of years has led to a re-evaluation of how and where we work. Flexibility is key!
We know from working with our candidates that flexible working is one of the most important aspects for them when searching for a new job (learn more in our recent advertising and recruiting to a hybrid workforce article). It’s important to all of us working at Prospectus too.
I’ve worked flexibly at Prospectus since I had my first child in 2010. I worked part-time for many years and while I now once again work full time I do so in a way that still allows me to be around for my kids plenty of the time. In many other places, I know working flexibly like this could have held my career back so I feel really fortunate to have been at Prospectus. In the years since I became a parent, I’ve progressed into a leadership role and was given the opportunity to become a shareholder in the business. In other words, I know first-hand how important flexibility is for our employees and how much it contributes to the success of our business.
Right now, every sensible employer is at least embracing hybrid working. Some have even thrown caution to the wind and gone for a fully remote model. But flexibility doesn’t just mean where you work, it’s also when you work. All of our employees are either hybrid or fully remote but around 25% of us also have a flexible work pattern - we have lots of variety but examples include part-time, compressed hours and 9-day fortnights. We’ve also recently upped our annual leave significantly and really encourage everyone to take plenty of time off. And it all works - for the business but most importantly, for us.
And it isn’t just parents and people with caring responsibilities, anyone can benefit from flexible working. I asked a couple of my colleagues why they chose a flexible working pattern:
“I work full-time hours across 4 days per week, Tuesday – Friday. I couldn’t be more thankful to Prospectus for allowing me the flexibility to work my hours in a way that complements my personal life and prioritises my well-being. Equally, it enables me to be a more productive manager and Consultant; I’m focused, dedicated and most importantly happy. Ultimately, I have a three-day weekend and never experience the Monday morning blues … surely that’s a win, win!” – Teresa Willis, Frontline Recruitment Manager.
“I have been working 4 days per week now for over 4 years and it was the best decision I have ever made. That, combined with taking advantage of Prospectus’ flexible working hybrid model, allows me to be very productive and focussed in my work but also able to feel like a fully-fledged human being!” – Robert Payne, Principal Consultant
Recruitment can often be seen as a bit of an old-school environment - long hours, five days a week, pounding the phones at your desk in the office. We’re proof it doesn’t have to be though.